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In the Spectrum Professional Building in New Baltimore, Michigan

Dry Eye Blog

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Dry Eye Blog

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Natural And Holistic Dry Eye Treatments

Medication doesn't always work to heal dry eye syndrome's underlying cause. The following natural and holistic remedies may relieve your eye discomfort and relieve your symptoms.

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High Blood Sugar Linked to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Did you know that having atrophied meibomian glands can signal uncontrolled blood sugar levels? To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact The Dry Eye Treatment Center at New Baltimore Optometry today!

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How to Say Goodbye to Dry Eyes

Are you tired of waking up with dry, itchy eyes? Several things can lead to dry eyes, including certain medications, eyelids not closing properly at night, or a thyroid disorder. Read on to learn about dry eye syndrome and how the condition can be treated.

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What Are the 5 Most Common Dry Eye Symptoms?

Many substances and situations can cause dry eyes, such as certain medications, hormonal changes, and your environment. No matter the cause, having dry eyes feels pretty terrible. Here we list the different symptoms of dry eye and address treatment options.

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Why Is There Sticky Mucus In My Eye?

Whether you call it eye goop, crusties or gunk, there are times when a bit of mucus around your eyes is normal — and times when it’s not. Learn how a dry eye optometrist can help.

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What’s The Connection Between Dry Eye And Asthma?

Studies have found a correlation between asthma and dry eye syndrome. Fortunately, a dry eye optometrist can help by treating your uncomfortable dry eye symptoms.